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08纽约灵命进深会 简 介
01-04 RogerWillmore(魏尔模) 更深属灵的生命
05-10 李玉惠-论列国古今
11-14 林之纲-从永远到永远
15-17 于宏杰-兴起发光
Not topursue happiness, but to pursure God. Once youfind God, you find happiness. (不要去追求幸福,而应该去追求神本身。一旦你找到了上帝,你就找到了幸福。)
If Jesusis not a Lord of all, He is not your Lord at all. (如果主耶稣不能够成为你生命中一切的主,他就根本不是你的主。)
God meetsus at our level of desire that how much we want to have God. (神会因着我们对他渴慕的程度而同我们相遇。)
You canhave as much God as you want. (上帝在你生命中的多少取决于你对他的渴慕。)
You canact like a Christian, but you can't counterfeit your desire ofGod. (你可以做出一名基督徒的样子,但是你无法伪装内心对上帝的渴慕程度。)
To beblessed by God, you will have to come to a point of brokennessbefore God. (为了能够蒙神祝福,你迟早要面对被神破碎的时刻。)
Godconcerns about who you are, not what you do. (上帝关心的是你是谁,而不是你做了什么。)